Fine Motor Skills Programme - Which level should the child start at?

The GriffinOT Fine Motor Skills Programme (FMSP) is a set of over 150 activities designed to help children from the age of one and a half improve their fine motor skills.

The online programme is divided into six sections. There are four sections designed to specifically target fine motor skills. One which helps children to improve their pencil grasp and another which focuses on scissor skills. Here, we provide an easy questionnaire to help adults identify where a child should start, so that they can support them in the way best suited to their individual needs. There are also videos to describe some of the more technical terms.

Your Instructor

Kim Griffin
Kim Griffin

Kim is an occupational therapist striving to make occupational therapy supports available to all teachers and parents. Her goal is to ensure that families and school have immediate access to this occupational therapy expertise. She wants them to know how they can help their children. Hailing from Australia but now based in London, she splits her time between creating these courses and working in schools.

Kim qualified as occupational therapist in Australia in 2003. Since then, she has had the privilege of working with many children and their families, as well as teachers. She has worked in Australia, Ireland and the UK. Kim has completed her post graduate sensory integration training through the University of Ulster.

A core focus of her career has been helping children who have sensory processing difficulties and/or motor skill challenges. This includes extensive experience supporting children with autism/ASD, developmental delays, dyspraxia/DCD and specific learning difficulties.

Kim’s qualifications

Postgraduate Certificate in Sensory Integration University of Ulster, UK (2012)

Masters in Health Science (Occupational Therapy) University of Sydney, Australia (2007)

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy with Honours James Cook University, Townsville, Australia (awarded March 2003)

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do after this?
Depending on your child's individual needs you can then purchase the most relevant part of our programme.

Get started now!